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Up: Precise Energy Calibration Measurement
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- 1
- L. Rivkin: private conversation about preliminary material
- 2
- Y. S. Derbenev et al.:
Accurate Calibration of the Beam Energy in a Storage Ring Based on Measurement of Spin Precession Frequency of Polarized Particles, Particle Accelerators, 10, 1980
- 3
- F. Frommberger:
Energiekalibration bei ELSA, iagnose/Energiekalibration/Energiekalibration.html, July 2001
- 4
- P. Kuske et al.:
High Precision Determination of the Energy at BESSY II, Proceedings of EPAC 2000, Vienna, Austria
- 5
- C. Steier et al.:
Energy Calibration of the Electron Beam of the ALS Using Resonant Depolarization, Proceedings of EPAC 2000, Vienna, Austria
- 6
- A. W. Chow:
Polarization of a Stored Beam, Lecture given at the 1981 Summer School on High Energy Particle Accelerators, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- 7
- R. Schmidt:
Polarisationsberechnungen am Speicherring PETRA, Thesis, University of Hamburg/DESY, 1982
- 8
- A. A. Sokolov, I. N. Ternov:
On Polarization and Spin Effects in the Theory of Synchrotron Radiation, Sov. Phys. Doklady 8, 1203 (1964)
- 9
- V. Bargman, L. Michel, V. L. Telegdi:
Precession of the Polarization of Particles Moving in a Homogeneous Electromagnetic Field, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 435 (1959)
- 10
- M. Böge:
Analysis of Spin Depolarizing Effects in Electron Storage Rings, DESY Report 94-087, May 1994
- 11
- R. Neumann, R. Rossmanith:
A Fast Depolarizer for Large Electron-Positron Storage Rings, Nucl. Inst. Meth. 204, 29 (1982)
- 12
- M. Böge:
The Status of Polarization Studies at HERA, Talk given for the HERA Polarization Group, DESY, January 1993
- 13
- R. Neumann:
Depolarisation des Strahls am Speicherring PETRA mit Hilfe von zeitabhängigen Magnetfeldern, Diplomarbeit, Universität Hamburg, 1981
- 14
- A. Streun:
First Lifetime Evaluation for SLS, Preliminary Paper, November 2001
- 15
- S. Khan:
Simulation of the Touschek Effect for BESSY II, Proceedings of EPAC 1994, London, England
- 16
- W. T. Ford, A. K. Mann, T. Y. Ling:
Beam Polarization Effects in High Energy Electron-Positron Storage Rings, SLAC Report No. 158, November 1972
- 17
- H. Wiedemann:
Particle Accelerator Physics I, Second Edition, Springer Verlag
- 18
- M. Froissart, R. Stora:
Dépolarisation d'un faisceau de protons polarisés dans un synchrotron, Nucl. Inst. Meth. 7, 297 (1960)
- 19
- C. Schulze-Briese, preliminary material and private conversation
Simon Leemann